The World of Technology

How Technology Effects Our Lives

Technology is one of the greatest achievements that we have. It is used in just about everything we do. We can google any word or fact and in under 30 seconds find out everything there is to know. We are able to stay connected with one another through a phone call, text, social media, or email. We can do all of these thing right from our phone. It is basically attached to us. We don't leave the house without it and when we misplace our cell phones we go into a panic. But is this healthy? To be so attached and obsessed with something? Well, the answer to me is no. And here is why.

As a young adult who is currently 20 years old technology has been a huge part of my life. I grew up in a world with playing on my DS and Wii as a kid and getting my first cell phone in 5th grade to getting the iPhone when I reached 7th grade. There was constantly a new form of technology coming out as a kid especially with Apple. I listened to my music on my iPod and played games and watched videos on my iPad and then when I was able to get a smart phone I got the iPhone. Technology has been with me through it all, but looking back I think growing up with it all has caused not the healthiest relationship with it. 

Technology has led me into a world of comparing my life to others and I'm not the only who does this thousands of young women and men do this too and it is majority through social media. In the article I was reading "Why We Compare Ourselves To Others On Social Media and How To Stop It" is says that "the reason we struggle with insecurity is because we compare our behind the scenes with everyone else's highlight reel".  We scroll through instagram and we see how fit someone looks and than we constantly our comparing ourselves to that person. Social media effects our confidence and how we do the things the way we do. People will change themselves just to get more followers and likes on their posts. This is not a healthy relationship with technology. 

Not only are we constantly comparing our lives to those of others through social media, but we are just spending way too much time on our phones. Whenever there is an awkward silence instead of trying to spark the conversation up again we go straight onto our phones to avoid it. Before our classes instead if talking to fellow classmates everyone goes right on their phones to avoid talking to anyone. Before we go to sleep we spend at least an hour in bed scrolling through Instagram or Snapchat. Spending so much time on our phones does not do us any good. It effects how we are communicating with each other face to face because we rather just scroll through Twitter than to talk to the person beside you. 

Overall, technology is something I think we all need to try and cut back on. We should try spending less time on our phones and instead talk to our fellow classmates before the professor begins their lesson. Spending so much time with our phones leads us down into the spiral of comparing our lives to the ones we see on Instagram. So, take a break from all the followers, likes, and posts and let's just try having conversations face to face, of course once quarantine has ended. 

