Your Online Life, As Permanent as a Tattoo

Our Online Life

On social media we share just about anything and everything about our lives. We share if we are dating someone, where we went on vacation, and what we might be eating for dinner that night. It is a great way to keep your friends and family up to date about your personal life. However, a stranger can easily get all this information about you as well. They too, can see if you are dating someone, where you went on your vacation, and what you could be eating for dinner. They would be able to find out just as much of your personal life as your friends and family and you may not have any idea about it.

In the ted talk: "your online life, as permanent as a tattoo" it explores this topic of your online presence and how little privacy we truly have on social media. Juan Enriquez mentions you online life can last longer than you own life and when he said that, it gave me chills. To know that when years later that I my online will still exist because anything online never really goes away, its as permanent as a tattoo.

the ted talk explains that we should all be more aware of what and where we are posting about our lives. It talks about how we should be more responsible about our online presence because of how little privacy and control we have over it. You google a phone case and the next thing you know you get an Ad about it on Instagram. We don't have much control of where our online life takes us, you can have all your accounts private, but instagram twitter and snapchat are still gathering information about you. I think of how many years I have been using those apps and it got me thinking to how much information have these companies gathered from their users. After watching and taking in this ted talk it got me thinking that more people need to be aware of this and the fact that our online life will live longer than us.

