A World in Quarantine

Tiktoking Our Way Through Quarantine

We are now entering just about our 7th week in quarantine and it feels like the world we once knew is so far away. For me it has felt like I am stuck in the movie Groundhog day, repeating the same day over and over again. I would do just about anything to just spend time with friends. One thing I never thought I would miss would be walking to class and waving to the people I knew. Being stuck inside has made me realize how many things I took for granted, never thinking that it could all just be taken away. However, there has been an app that I have recently downloaded that has been bringing me some joy to my days in quarantine and that is TikTok.

TikTok is an app where you can post a short video of you either dancing to a song, telling something funny that happened to you, and anything else that you can think of. It allows for you to post that video and if you want, anyone can come across your page and see that video. It is an easy way for some to go viral. You can share the video with people who don't even have the app and you can like and comment on other people's videos. TikTok has been a way many people have been spending their time in quarantine. It is easy to get wrapped up into and spend hours on.

It is a way many people have been spreading positivity and humor to our current world situation. People from all over the world, young and old, and even celebrities have made their way onto TikTok. It is a way people are communicating and entertaining themselves. For me it spreads a positive light onto my days because I can send a video I find funny to my friends and feel as though we were watching the video together. I see how other people are spending their quarantine and realize that we are not alone in this and everyone is experiencing just about the same thing. It reminds me to keep a positive outlook on this and that this isn't forever, it is temporary.

