What They Hide

What they don't want us to see

As we use the internet many things come into my mind on to who really decides with what we interact with and to what comes across our page. Things become trending on the internet because it is shared, but do you ever notice how its never really anything that is solely against the government. Notice how we always see articles and websites about war and why we are doing, but never a website the is antiwar, why is that?

The government really only wants us to see what they want. The website ANTIWAR.COM has never been shared with. I never even knew about it until doing this blog post. It makes me think how many OTHER websites are out there like this one that we don't know about. The thing that bugs be though, is to why does the government not want us to come across things like this. 

The answer that I came up with myself is that they want us to think that we have this freedom on the interent. Before today I though I had all the freedom in the world on the interent. the possibilities are endless of where you can go deep into the web and what you can and although that is still the case we are still heavily controlled and regulated on to what we can do on here. What comes across our pages and what we view is all be behind different softwares. You go on to instagram and you'll see an AD or something you were just talking about. We aren't protect on the internet, we don't have privacy, and we are regulated to what we can see and if we have to see an underground website, like ANTIWAR.COM, it something we have to deeply search ourselves. 

Doing this article made me think should interent rights become more of a things. Will they soon become more of thing is a bigger question. We shouldn't have to search deep into the web to find websites like ANTIWAR.COM, but for some reason we are being regulated and I think it all has to do with the government still wanting "this power" they have and I think they strive to emphasis it through the internet

