Twitter: A Way To Share Our Thoughts

A way for us to speak our minds

Twitter came about out as a result of the smartphones coming into play. When twitter first started it was the birth of smartphones and there was something that needed to be brought to the table for this new invention. It was founded by Jack Dorsey when he wanted to use his phone to be able to send a message to share to all of his friends so that they could all see it and engage with it. During the earl ages of the smartphone not everyone had one, it was still in its early ages, so a lot of people had spent time on the computers during these times. So, what needed to happen was a platform where it could be accessed from not only your smartphone, but also you home computers, along with any other devices.

And thats exactly what happened with the invention of twitter. It is now a social media platform in which we speak our minds and share what we are thinking of. We can post pictures, videos, and url links to anything we have interest in. About 330 million people use twitter every single year. That average has decreased from previous years, because twitter faces other social media platform competitors such as, Instagram, Snapchat, and Facebook. The first tweet occurred on March 21, 2006, at 9:50 PM when Jack Dorsey tweeted "just setting up my twttr." Twitter is a way for us to speak freely about anything. It is a way for us to use the first amendment, however we do have limitations on what we can and cannot tweet and it all has to be under 280 characters.

Nowadays I think it plays a huge into politics, an example is that our President uses it more that once a day and tweets just about anything on his mind. He is constantly going on about current events that happen each day and especially with the election on its way he makes it even more known about what he is planning to do.

President Trump is constantly quote tweeting the democratic party in the past election there were always tweets going back and further between Hilary, the democratic candidate. They got into some pretty big arguments and were almost always trending on twitter. Trump has a following of 73.4 millions followers on the app.

It has now become a way for people to get news of the current events happening around the world. I can easily see what is happening around the world by going on the explore page and clicking on the news tab. It shows events happening in the U.S and also shows what events are happening in different parts of the world.
