The Coronavirus

The Virus That is Trending

One big thing that has happened in 2020 has been the coronavirus. It has been just about what everyone has been talking about nowadays and has been circulating the news constantly. People are afraid to travel and even leave their homes worried that they will be the next person to catch this illness.

On March 5th, California officially declared an emergency over the outbreak of the coronavirus. The first death in California related to the coronavirus was recorded this past Wednesday and another death was recorded in the state of Washington making the death toll reach 10. 

Congressional leaders have planned an $8 million funding package for the emergency. The virus has been spreading rapidly. It was originated in China and now has made its way over to the states. Now over 70 countries have confirmed cases of the virus. Students who have been studying abroad had to be sent home due to the severe outbreak and the rapidness of it spreading. 

Researchers do not know how this virus has been spreading. What they have an idea of is that is had been spreading through close contact between persons. A person will not show symptoms until after 14 days they have come into contact with someone who had it. There is currently no vaccine or treatment for this virus. 

On twitter this virus has been something that has been shared and trending almost everyday. With people constantly talking about this over social media a lot of myths and rumors start become popular. It has been shared that people thought that Asians were the ones who had it and has been a problem throughout the U.S that if they saw someone of that race coughing or sick that they carried the coronavirus. People were not afraid to share these thoughts throughout social media. It has made a huge impact in the Chinatowns throughout cities in the U.S and people living here have been targeted as a way for news outlets to share updates on the virus. 
