The Impact of Social Media

An Obessive Culture

Technology has grown rapidly in the past years. It has been growing and developing throughout my whole 20 years of life. There have been so many developments in the world of technology one of them being social media. On word that I describe social media is that is OBSESSIVE. There is constantly a new platform coming out and a new way for people to interact with one another, one of the platforms that has been a hit lately is TikTok, but with the obsessive culture comes some negative effects on a person.

Social Media had become a huge part of our everyday lives. We share a photo on instagram, we tweet what we are doing, and we post a snapchat story of where we are having dinner. It become our routine to share what we are doing. The impact social media has made has its pros and cons.

The Pros of social media is that we can see what all of our friends are up to and can talk and share things with them. We can have updates on our favorite celebrities and we can easily get lost into thread of funny videos. A major one is that nowadays it is how people get their news. A study done shows that 62% of people get their news from social media.

With the pros that social media has to offer there comes cons. One of them being how is has effected they way we view ourselves. Social media has become an obsessive culture people are constantly on their phones wondering how many likes their photo on instagram got, how many likes their tweet got, and how many views their snapchat story is getting. This takes a toll though on people's mental health.  Many mental illnesses, such as depression and anxiety have been linked to social media. We see our models and influencers on instagram and are comparing our lives to theirs. We see that they are in a bikini on a tropical beach and instantly compare our day to day life to theirs. It has become unhealthy, I even do this too.  Teenage girls become less confident in their bodies and are constantly worried about what they look like, I know because this is what I grew up in. The generation where a lot of our times are spent on social media. Obsessed with what our instagram looks like and how many comments and liked we are getting.

I love the benefits social media has, like being able to constantly stay connected with my friends, but with it comes negative impacts. At times I don't even want to go on instagram because I know it might not make feel the best once I am scrolling through my feed and seeing people traveling and my favorite celebrities on a beach. We live in world where nowadays people care more about their followers and likes then actually spending time with each other. People have become so obsessive and it worries me that it is not going to stop any time soon.

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