Database Exposes Phone Numbers of Facebook Users

Do We Have Any Privacy Anymore?

A database posted publicly exposed millions of people’s phone numbers. The data was eventually removed, but it contained names and phone numbers of many facebook users. It even contained the phone number of the CEO of Facebook himself, Mark Zuckerburg. The data could be viewed by just about anyone and they would easily be able to look up phone numbers of Facebook users. This puts people who use facebook at risk of getting spam calls or any other type of fraud.

By having access to a person’s phone number there is a lot of risks that can happen, these scammers can easily convince they are real and this can put these users in danger. I thought to myself of how much of our lives can easily be accessed just by the internet. We trust the internet so much not really thinking of the cost of the privacy of our lives 

A reflection I took from this is that questioning to myself “what do we keep private to ourselves anymore?” We put a majority of our lives on Facebook not really thinking much of it. We tweet about what we are eating, we update our status on who we are dating, and we post a picture of where we went on vacation. These are things that we all do daily, the internet is something we have grown to trust. But I started thinking how much of it can we trust. If some internet hacker was easily able to get phone numbers from facebook what other type of information can people get a hold of? And the thought of that scares me.
